Las Vegas Slip & Fall Accident Attorneys
Helping Clients After Serious Injury
When you suffer an injury because of someone else’s negligent maintenance of their property, you’re entitled to seek financial compensation. Though this logic sounds simple and straightforward, it rarely is in reality. If you’ve slipped and fallen on someone’s property or in their building, you’ll need to prove that your injuries and damages occurred directly as a consequence of the owner’s negligence.
At Christiansen Trial Lawyers, our premises liability lawyers represent clients injured under a wide range of circumstances and as a result of a variety of defects and deficiencies on residential and commercial properties. Slip and fall accidents are the most common type of premises liability claim, and our team has successfully settled countless claims for clients so they can move on with their lives. Whether you’ve slipped in a casino, hotel, nightclub, or somewhere else in our city, you deserve to be cared for and have your expenses covered.
Contact us for a free consultation online or at (702) 357-9977. Since 1995, our Las Vegas slip and fall accident attorneys have served members of our community and tourists alike.
What is a Slip & Fall?
Slip and fall accidents are extremely common – in fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that over one million Americans suffer from slip and fall-related injuries every year. While usually we quickly recover from these accidents and move on with our lives assuming no one is at fault, some people can be seriously injured and even permanently disabled. More than 800,000 patients are hospitalized for slip and fall injuries every year. Some of these serious injuries can include broken bones, spinal cord injuries that could lead to paralysis, and head injuries that could result in severe brain damage.
Even if you’re not entirely sure someone is at fault for your injuries, it doesn’t hurt to seek advice from our lawyers in a free consultation. Only a skilled attorney can help you determine whether the property owner’s negligence or recklessness caused your damages.
Slip and fall accidents can happen anywhere, anytime, from on sidewalks and in parking lots to inside hallways and buildings. If you were injured in Las Vegas, chances are you slipped and fell in one of our many casinos, restaurants, hotels, or retail outlets.
Premises liability issues can also arise from slip and falls in:
- Homes
- Apartment complexes
- Shopping malls
- Stadiums
- Parking lots and ramps
- Swimming pools
How Slip & Falls Happen in Nevada
Many slip and falls occur when property owners neglect to clean up after spills, fix a dangerous or defective condition, or properly warn visitors and guests about possible dangers. Employees can also be injured in these types of accidents – restaurants, for example, can create dangers for their staff when they fail to clean up a spill in a high-traffic environment.
Our trial lawyers have helped countless clients who have been injured after a slip and fall and have found the following to be some of the most common causes:
- Wet or slippery floors: Flooring conditions are responsible for a majority of slip and falls. People frequently slip on spills that haven’t been cleaned up, icy or wet pavement after it rains or snows, recently waxed or polished floors, and splashed oil or grease. Property owners are expected to have signage that warns visitors about these conditions before they’ve been handled.
- Uneven surfaces: People have also been known to suffer injuries after tripping on uneven surfaces such as torn or loose carpeting, broken pavement or sidewalks, rugs that catch on shoes, and potholes in parking lots.
- Improper safety practices: Employees can be injured in their workplace when they fail to follow property safety practices or have no practices to follow in the first place. Workplaces that are notorious for creating dangers for employees include restaurants, factories, and construction sites.
- Unsafe ladders or stairs: Stairs or ladders that are defective or unsafe can cause catastrophic injuries and even death. People who fall down the stairs or from heights can break their necks, land on their heads, and more. These hazardous situations can be caused by a lack of handrails, debris or trash blocking the stairs, recently waxed or polished stairs, broken or warped stairs, and unsecured ladders.
- Poor or broken lighting: Though a blown-out lightbulb or otherwise broken light fixture might not seem like a big deal, it can create dangerous situations for individuals when they’re unable to see what’s in front of them. Someone who is descending the stairs in a dimly lit hallway can easily trip and fall.
Serious injuries from slip and falls likely require extensive medical treatment and having to miss out on work to heal. If you’re facing damages you can’t afford, filing a premises liability claim may be your best shot at recovering damages. When you call us, our team can sit down with you to help you understand your options. Though personal injury claims don’t go to court as often as you’d think, our lawyers have extensive experience in jury trials and are prepared to go to court.
Serious injuries can be expensive – the sooner you call us for help, the sooner we can get the compensation you need to heal. Call our slip and fall accident attorneys in Las Vegas today at (702) 357-9977.