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Car Accidents As a Leading Cause of Spine Injuries

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Spine injuries occur because of many different reasons. While falls and violent acts sit near the top of the list for spine injuries, car accidents are the most common cause in the United States. A crash can have a significant impact on a person’s life, leading to paralysis in the worst-case scenarios.

If you suffer a spine injury because of someone else’s negligence, you have the right to pursue compensation. Below, we will help you understand how car accidents can cause spine damage and what the long-term effects are moving forward.

How Do Spine Injuries Occur?

Spine injuries can vary. You might suffer damage to your vertebrae or discs in some situations or to your spinal cord in other cases. Typically, any significant impact to your back or neck can cause damage to occur, and car accidents are no exception.

A crash, such as a rear-end collision, can cause a jerking motion which can damage your spine. Your body might jolt in a way that damages the nerves within your spinal cord. In any case, car accidents lead to some of the most severe harm, and you might be surprised with how much this situation can impact your life.

How Does a Spine Injury Impact Me?

Some spine injuries can heal over time with the correct treatment. However, some spine injuries can be much more severe, such as when they cause paralysis. Paralysis can include monoplegia, hemiplegia, paraplegia, and quadriplegia. Each impacts specific limbs, and quadriplegia can cause function loss in all four limbs.

At Christiansen Trial Lawyers, our Las Vegas car accident attorneys go above and beyond to safeguard our clients from companies that often try to take advantage of their rights. We go above and beyond when our clients need us most and work to obtain maximum compensation on your behalf. We’re here and ready to help you, too!

Call us today at (702) 357-9977 and learn how we can help you!
